Home > News > Choose RK Pipe And Drape To Create A Good Exhibition
RK pipe and drape is the flexible draping system you can install anywhere. It is quick and simple to set up and you won’t need any tools nor specialist equipment. The system uses telescopic poles called Uprights and Crossbars, which make up the frame system. By choosing from our range sizes you can construct a frame to work in virtually any room size.

RK Pipe And Drape
Due to the increased interest and demand in the Pipe & Drape product we have introduced a range of pipe and drape kits to make choosing and buying the components that much easier.Expanding a Kit like this is very simple – just add one of our Extensions kits. There is no limit to the number of Extensions that can be added, and with our range of Accessories you can tackle more unusual setups like rows of booths for an exhibition for example.