Home > News > Widely Use Pipe And Drape Systems
Pipe and drape systems is widely use in many areas.The reason pipe and drape systems is so common at conventions is due to two main factors. First, it cleans the place up. Usually no place is built just to hold a convention. Therefore there is usually bunch of stuff that is irrelevant to the convention like wall art or team/company banners. Also there may be things in a convention center that the building owners do not want people to see.This is when the pipe and drape systems is utilized and covers everything up and keeps the focus in the convention.

Pipe And Drape Systems
Secondly, it helps flow of the crowd. Usually there is a couple hundred people at conventions and things can get a little crammed and hectic. Pipe and drape systems acts as a guide line for the flow of traffic and keeps all the booths organized so there is no confusion for the crowd.